Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cave Story : Best. Game. Evar.


I haven't posted in a while, since I had no idea what to blog about. Particularly since I'm not the person who sits in front of their computer with a webcam and some cereal and talks about their new cat. Personally, cats scare me a bit ...

Anyway, I was kinda busy. But I decided to talk about a topic that really, seriously, fascinates me to no end. Repeat after me : Cave Story. 
It's the god of freeware games. If you don't know what it is, download it. I guarantee you'll turn into a chip-munching, sofa-squatting computer gamer in five seconds. Even if you have a normal life and are actually really responsible and shiz. It's that awesome. 

It's been out for a super-long time and it's not obsolete, many people know about it. I just wanted to talk about how awesome it is. So what makes it so phenomenal. One, the storyline. I obviously can't tell you too much, which would be called a spoiler, but it involves a soldier attempting to save bunny rabbits from a medical specialist who uses red flowers. Makes no sense? That's okay. If you play the game, it will.  

"But that can't be all that makes it awesome!" you argue, and you are correct. Second, the gameplay/game design. Pixel, or Daisuke Amaya or something similar *wikipedia's* spent five years on Cave Story, and it's been a well-spent five years. There's about six main areas to explore, and other minor ones that you traverse through in the game and it's not just Start Point _________________________ End point for each map. They're pretty unique in direction, and as you can see from the screen shots, design. Furthermore, the physics are awesome. "Eh," you say, "It's just jumping and stuff." No, it's not. Don't ever say that again.

Okay, three, it has some of the most lovable/hateable characters ever. Mostly lovable, except for the antagonist, of course. You're going to love the main character, you're going to love the humans, you're going to love the bunny rabbits, you're going to love the humans-turned-bunny rabbits, you're going to somewhat love/hate a certain person who turns humans into bunny rabbits you're going to love a toaster and you're going to adore a certain female robot. The characters are generally flat, I have to admit, but there's something about them that makes you worry about how they're going to make it through this storyline and what's going to happen to them. 

It's also one of the most addicting games of all time. There's about twenty different mods of it, and I've played about ten of those. But that's so obvious, so ... what was I forgetting. Oh yes. Best. Music. Ever.It's a freeware game so it's not too complex, just 8-bit or so. But each song really does fit the area and the mood of the current ... erm ... game? There's been orchestral tributes and stuff. Pixel apparently just played around with some music and picked it if it sounded good, but I swear he's secretly Mozart or something, but better because he can design an entire game with perfect-mood-fitting music. You can interpret the music anyway you like according to how your game's going. It has different endings and stuff, but the gameplay's mostly linear.

There's more than these four, but I only have these screenshots because I don't want to give away any plotline stuff. I just restarted the game and am playing it through for about the one-hundred and fiftieth time. 
If you have played Cave Story, then you get a virtual-high five from me. If you haven't, you can download it here. Free. 'Cuz even Pixel knows it has to be shared with the world. Or you can buy the Wii version. Your pick ;)
Heh, thanks for reading !

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