Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wheelz: Worst Skating Place Ever?

So there's this place nearby called Wheelz. Clever, spelling it differently, with a Z. Just to confuse people. I always thought the place was cheap and cheesy, but I really do love skating. Ice and in-line. In fact, I am a MASTER.

Hmm, maybe I should have had a color background. :/ And yes, the skates are really that big. O.o
Anyway, we decided to be crazy [as in we, my family] and really thrifty and go on the cheap night. That would be today, and it only costs a dollar to get in and three dollars for skates. What are you waiting for? NO. DO NOT GO. 

I'm pretty sure it ruined my night. Here's how it went down.

Every Wednesday, what I dub "Cheap Night" arrives. It means a bargain. Unfortunately, unlike sales at the mall and auctions, you are not there to buy a personal gift for someone. You are there, the entire time, with a thousand other people [probably ....], who also believe that if they go tonight, they'll save money. 

First order of business. Get skates. We marched over to the Get-Your-Skates rental place, and offered up our shoes to get some skates. There's the roller skates, that's shaped like a car, and in-line skates, wheels all in a row. My two sisters decided to be spontaneous and get roller skates, because they're apparently in. Well, Katherine, does it seem cool when you're like THIS : 

I don't know why I added little people in the background. That's to represent how crowded it was. My sisters were completely incompetent at skating with roller skates, because they've been using the other kind all their life. I, being my gifted self, casually drifted by them as they struggled to keep balance. I was ... was ... like ... MAGIC. I pretty much felt like it, and was God of the Skating Rink, until this happens.

Yes, it was a kid. Freckled. Wearing a track suit. With an afro. Confused? So am I. 
Because I was ambushed.  By a midget. In the middle of Ke$ha's hit song that I kind of love/hate. Sheesh, I was even skating backward, and all of a sudden someone's RIGHT in front of me and I'm about to crash any second into them and I'll probably be sued for liability issues and whatnot --- FALL. Painfully. 

This happened to me several times during the course of the two-hour long skating session. It was so crowded, I had to actually pay attention and use my maneuvering skills to NOT crash into anyone. 

Instance No. 2. I hadn't skated in about a year at a rink, so there was a race coming up and I considered, why not? I lined up, not at the easiest spot, 'cuz that's unfair to everyone else since I'm so awesome, and took off -- BAM! elbowed, in the GUT, by a kinda chubby girl who's wayyy older than me. Well, maybe it didn't hurt that much, since as my sisters pointed out, her blubber probably cushioned the effin' blow. Still, a blow to my dignity as I careened into the wall. That's not fun ... 

They didn't even give out free food as a prize ... 

I hope you guys didn't go to the New Years skating party there, either. You'd be better off curled up on your couch stroking your cat, alone, watching the Seattle fireworks. O.o

Happy New Year!

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