Monday, October 11, 2010

YAAAY! First blog.

So I don't know about you, but I've never written a blog in my life. Don't eat me.
Luckily, I'm listening to one of my favorite songs right now, so I'm not getting flustered and deleting what I've typed every second. At least, not often.

A few things.
I know listening to someone else's life is so AMAZING. And it's so true -- because I wouldn't make a stupid blog anyway. I love the potential audience out there, I'm even willing to go through this sort of torture.

Me: What's monetize? Hmm ... *click*

 . . .

Stupid Computer Inbox Thingy: Mozilla Firefox has quit unexpectedly ...

Thanks a lot, Blog World. Notice the sarcasm?
So I should probably say a few things about myself, since this is my blog and you probably are thinking, "Who the freak is this weirdo?" At least, I'd be thinking that.

SO. Here are a few important things about myself.

1. I hate unicorns. Long story, I'll explain in another post.

2. My computer has a sucky enter button.

3. I'm not ADHD. I don't have anything against ADHD people, actually I think they have a gift. Of being funny. If I was that funny, I'd probably have at least 3 posts by now. Even. As. I. Type. This. In the Internet world and Real World alike, I swear that people with that "disorder" can make anyone laugh. Screw the advertised pills, laughter is the best medicine!

4. Like most people in the world, I laughed when that water bottle hit Justin Bieber. And that'll probably make me lose readers on this blog. Sorry.

5. My name is not Fern. That's a stupid name, but when I was five I wanted to be called Wind or Sky or some sort of name like that. I googled "Worst Baby Girl Names" and got my sister all alarmed when she saw me searching that -- you can guess why :P --  and I found Fern. It sounds a whole lot cooler than my actual name. So, congrats, five-year-old self. You got your dream wish come true.

6. This blog is called An Abundance of Arbitrary. I like the alliteration, and it sounds awesome. I couldn't think of what this blog could be about, so random fits perfectly. So, I can talk about whatever I feel like ... like ... history!

U.S. History sucks. It reminds me of

Because when I think of America, I think of dogs. Dogs are the loyal, honest ones. Cats -- which are Britain -- are the dishonest, slinky ones that make stupid Navigation Acts so that the rest of the table groups can't have a FREAKING RED CRAYON!! 

I should probably elaborate on that. All I can say is, in class, we had a simulation for trading today. ;)
Thanks for reading.

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