Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Ever met those annoying people who MUST WIN AT ALL COSTS?!? I hate them.
It's kind of because I am pretty competitive. I must get the highest test grade and the best essay of all time, or at least in my class. I remember when I aced the first science test this year, and was the only one to do so -- apparently it was difficult? -- I strutted around like a fat peacock overstuffed with gravy, but instead it was compliments. I need success to LIVE. Not a joke.

And now, there's a even more competitive girl in my English class. She MUST KNOW everyone's test scores. She breathes down my neck and I scribble furiously in order to beat her as if I were being chased by a giant horde of zombies. That'd be easier. As I wouldn't have to post this in order to gain more attention from everyone.

The lowly thing about it is I go "Gosh, she's so competitive." and everyone agrees and I feel successful, strangely. HA. The subtle thing is, they shoot back with, "But you're more competitive!" and then i put on a stupid british snotty face and go -- " Yeah well she's more competitive." You know what those loony bins come up with?

"Hmm. Good point. She is more competitive than you."

I'm instantly thrown in a turmoil of panic.
Because I have no idea if I should be MORE or LESS competitive.

This is a horrible cycle that I'm in. By the way, that girl is now in ASB. Associate Student Body.
ME: 0
HER: .... *machine gun noise*

You get my point?

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